Friday, September 19, 2008

Laura and Ashley Blog - RETIRING

Hello fellow bloggers, as you probably know, Ashley and I have decided to "retire" this blog, archive it (for memories) and move on to separate, but equally entertaining blogs. Keep this on your blog roll, for just like our love for each other, it will never go away. When you "google," Laura and Ashley - this will still be the first website that pops up - and we want to keep it that way. 

new blogs:

Ashley -
Laura -
Laura's food blog -

Thanks for reading.

Ashley's one and only contribution to the blog...

So I broke down and started my own blog. If ya'll are interested, feel free to check out my blog @

Love you all.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

The start of a new blog....

I've started another blog, and its all about food. I've wanted to put a "recipe blog" up for a while now, and so now my obsession with cooking and all things food-related is being put out into the world. Check it out, comment, post some recipes of your own, etc. etc.....

The name was Cort's idea - so you can thank him for its awesome-ness. Also, I kind of dedicate the blog to him because he eats all my experiments with a smile on his face whether they are horrible or not.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I miss Ashley.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Friday, August 22, 2008

My parents are so cool.

My mom and dad have spent most of the summer in Canada, at Campbell (ironic, huh?) River and Rivers Inlet in British Columbia. They are such diehards.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

True Life.

I've been back home in Utah, "on break" before I move again for a few weeks now. Is it ironic now that I have all this time on my hands, I have no time to write? Yes, I've posted a few pictures here and there, but a friend of mine pointed out that she still has no idea what is going on in my life.

I have two reasons for this, neither which is a good excuse, but true nonetheless. One being, that is is almost as if I can only function when my life is moving a million miles a minute. The more down time I have, the lazier I become. I push everything back to the point at the end of the day when I ultimately say, "Eh...I'll have plenty of time to do it tomorrow." This has become a constant cycle, and a quite annoying one at that. Secondly, I don't like writing much about myself or my real life - I like to stick with stories with the main focus being on other people, or something funny that happened to me or Ashley.
I've gotten good feedback. So that's what I do.

In order to counteract this problem, I've decided to let you all in on my secret dreams. I'm having been thinking a lot about them lately, and thought I'd share. These are my goals in life:
  • Be a student...forever. I think we should all be students for life and continue educating ourselves for as long as we can. So until I run out of money, that's what I'm doing. In other words, I'm putting off a career as long as possible.
  • Learn to play the guitar. I have a recurring dream that I play the guitar while Ashley sings at Carlee's wedding. I really want to make that happen.
  • Speak Spanish, fluently.
  • Become a long-distance runner. A marathoner, of sorts. I can't seem to make it past 3 miles, but I'll get there.
  • Become a certified Bikram yoga instructor and open my own studio.
  • Open a bakery and win one of those Betty Crocker contests that they always play on the Food Network Channel. Better yet...become the next Betty Crocker.
  • Write a book.
  • Start a non-profit organization.
  • Get rid of my car and rely solely on public transportation/bike/scooter/feet.

Those are just a few. I figure if I write them down, maybe I will actually make some of them happen.

What are your secret/not so secret dreams?

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I had the pleasure this weekend to babysit Erin and Miah's son, and my favorite little muscle man, Hudson. It turned into Hudson-mania once he came over, and my sisters and I decided that he is the cutest boy there ever was. We had so much fun with him, and I never wanted him to leave. Thanks Erin, for making my summer. 

It took me forever to get this shot. He was much cleaner when he got to my house then he was when he left. Sorry Erin!!
Hudson, beating me in chess. He loved the animal chess pieces.
Hudson, trying to call his mom to tell her that I was smothering him.

Hudson, now trying to text his mom to tell her I was smothering him. 

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Not all fun and games (Peru part 2...the ugly stuff)

As much fun as we had on our excursion to Peru, it didn't come without a few mishaps. Here are some things that happened that made our trip that much more memorable:

We had a lot of problems with buses...which usually led to a lot of waiting.

We each came back with about 70 bug bites. Mine are still healing.

A lot of early morning wake up calls.

Some of us got sick on the hike and couldn't make it (sorry Ryan). 14,000 feet up!!!

It was cold, real cold. Our faces are close to freezing off in this picture (around 15 degrees the first night).

By the time we made it up to Machu Picchu, we were ready for a nap.

More bus problems......

Which led to more waiting.....

And some of us pushing....(Cortney is an iron man)

We ended up hitching a ride on this "truck"....

And rode like refugees for a couple of hours.

More to come....

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Summer love.

Afton, being bashful and showing me why she is my reason to live.
Laney-bug, taking over control of the fountains.
Afton running through the splash park (Laney in the background making sure she's sufficiently hydrated).
Olivia, eating graham crackers and trying to figure out who the heck I am.
Grayden, just being darling in his baseball hat.

I was lucky enough this week to spend time with some of my favorite people, and favorite little-people in the whole world - Erin, Lindsey, Julie, Holly and I went to the splash park on Tuesday to play with the kids in the mini-fountains. I am so obsessed with these kids that I sometimes (and when I say sometimes, I mean ALWAYS) wonder how crazy I am to live so far away from them. They make my life worth living. It has been pretty warm in Utah, so being near the water felt great, and being with my friends and their kids felt even better. Also, Owen and Hudson were there too, but Owen was busy ignoring me and playing with the other kids, and I was too busy smothering and kissing Hudsy to get his picture.

  • Afty calling her mom, Erin, by her other name - "Er-dog" (twice).
  • Owen acting like he didn't hear me when I asked to be his girlfriend.
  • Laney getting in trouble for trying to drink the water every 2 minutes.
I love you all so much. Let's do it again next week!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Ashley and Laura in Peru (just the pics)

Click on the link to see some pictures of me and Ash in Peru:

Ashley and Laura in Peru (part 1)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Ok, we're back...

...and we've been back for a while. I'm the worst blogger ever. Right after getting home from the MOST amazing trip ever (information and pictures to come), we had approximately 4 days to pack up our entire condo and get out. That's right, our lease is up and we no longer live in Arizona. To fill you in....Ash and I had a lot of decisions to make at the end of this school year. As it turns out, we are splitting up. We are not breaking up, just taking some time apart. How do I feel about it? Sick to my stomach. But our lives are taking us in two different directions...and two different states. Ashley got a coveted job at Park City High School in Utah teaching Sophomore English and Yearbook and will be starting in August. I decided to take the plunge into grad school getting my Masters in Counseling from Loyola Marymount in L.A., also starting in August. That means that the tripod (Carlee, Ash and I) are officially going to be living in 3 different states. This also means that we are going to be racking up a lot of frequent flyer miles between Utah, Wyoming and California. Anyway, I have yet to decide what to do about the "Laura and Ashley" blog. I'm thinking I would like to keep it and still blog about Ashley (as I am the only one that does that anyway), but I'm curious to know what you all think. Do we desert this blog and start our own? The thought is heartbreaking. Almost as heartbreaking as not being able to wake up to Ashley's sweet face everyday. As you can see, I'm having a really hard time with this. But, I know we are both doing the right thing and will have some amazing experiences (and maybe be able to sustain a relationship with the opposite sex without the other promises though). More on some funny stories over the last couple of weeks, and on our trip to Peru to come.....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If you need us, we'll be here....

...trudging through the Amazon, and hiking the mountain ridges of Machu Picchu. A little over a year ago, Ashley and I had a dream of living as Mother Nature intended, with little more than the clothes on our backs and spending time harnessing our inner survivor skills. We have added a few more people to the trek, and have spent more time in REI then is healthy, but are finally ready to go. We will be traveling through Lima, Cusco, Manu, Machu Picchu, Mexico City and back on June 26th. I'm sure we will have more than one adventurous story to tell - hopefully none including us being locked up in a Peruvian jail, getting robbed, or falling off the mountain due to exhaustion. Until then.....wish us luck!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hard of hearing

This is a conversation I had with my hair stylist today:

Laura: Hi Maren, no cut today, just color. I'm trying to grow my hair out. Maybe just a trim to re-shape it.

What she heard: Hi Maren, I'm thinking of trying something new. Instead of growing my hair out, cut it shorter than we ever have before. I'm talking really short. Almost to the point of people wondering whether or not I'm a recovering cancer patient. Seriously, long hair is so overrated. The ability to be able to pull it back in a ponytail, run my fingers seductively through it, or look like a female from behind...I'm so over it. Let's chop it off!

I don't know why this always happens to me. And of course, since I can't keep my mouth shut during my appointment long enough to know what is going on, I didn't say a thing. Oh well. It grows back, right? I'm not going to complain...I'm going to Hawaii until after Memorial Day, and hopefully will have some hair on my head by the time I get back. Hope everyone is doing well.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Rachel's Birthday Shout Out.

Rachel, I remember when you, me and Ashley used to eat tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches while watching Full House everyday after school. 

I remember when you used to cheat off me in Mrs. White's English class in 9th grade and never got caught.

I remember spending the summer of '03 with you, eating "Salad Shakers" (I really wish Mickey D's would bring those back) and singing to the Dixie Chicks in your car. 

I remember sleeping in your huge bed more than I slept in my own. And I also remember trying to squeeze 3 in Ashley's twin size bed...we did, and then took a nap.

I remember you dragging me out of bed in high school at 5 am to go to the gym...and then getting a Juice Tree right after, destroying all our hard work.

I remember how attached you are to your "blankie".

I remember thinking how lucky I was when we became such close friends, and wondering how I ever lived without you. 

I remember how to you took a huge risk and followed your dreams, creating the most stupendous and precious baby clothing line I've ever seen.

I remember how you were the only one who would tell me how it was when I was making a mistake - only because I know you care.

I remember how you always really listen to me and give me heartfelt and great advice. I would do anything you told me to do because I trust you that much.

I remember and think often of how you are the greatest friend EVER

Happy Birthday sweet Rachel....we love you, adore you, idolize you, respect you, and miss you even more!

Also, to my fellow blog readers, check out Rachel's adorable and amazing baby clothing line, Rachelli Design. They are the cutest little pieces ever and all the kids should be wearing them. Get some now before she gets really famous and it becomes impossible to get anything....

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm not getting older, I'm getting better...

To preface this post, these are pictures of me on my birthday a month ago. Jeff, one of my best friends in the whole world, baked the most amazing yellow cake with homemade chocolate frosting that I've ever tasted. He also insisted that he stick all 25 candles on it (which, by the way, I now have to buy two packs of candles...since they only come with 24 a pack). After I successfully blew them out, the entire room filled with smoke. The second picture is of me trying to duck and save my lungs. 

I clearly remember the day I started to feel like an adult. Ashley and I were on our way home from Scipio where Darren and Lacey had invited us to get together with the whole gang. We had a great time, and if you put us in the country/outdoors, we get really giddy and playful...almost like children. Throughout the weekend trip though, it became increasingly evident that it was incredibly unpractical, and just down-right unsafe for us to use our bodies as if we were teenagers again. The many horseback rides, trampoline/night games and running around looking for adventures had taken quite the toll on what was left of us. Ashley spent the next couple weeks visiting the chiropractor for a trampoline-related neck injury and I spent the next couple days icing some sore muscles and tending to a bruise that went from my left hip down to my ankle. Okay, so we aren't as resilient as we used to be. Fine. It happens to everyone and we should just learn to age gracefully. And I plan on it. Still, just for the fun of it, I have compiled a list of reasons of why lately, I feel so old.

1-  First one, already mentioned...too many candles. Too much smoke sets off fire alarms. Enough said.

2- I find myself using words like "comfortable" when describing my ideal clothing now, and "practical" when shopping for shoes. I'm 5'1" on a good day, and I choose to wear flats because it just doesn't make sense to me to wear heels that would give me blisters, or knowing me...make me trip and fall. This also brings me to reason #3....

3- I "just don't get" teenagers and their fashion choices today. You should see some of the things they wear. Not only do they look ridiculous, but also just look really, really uncomfortable. I also find myself lingering around the faculty saying things like, "I can't believe kids today..." and to my students, I will start off an annoying number of phrases with things like, "Well, when I was in high school...," or "When I was growing up...".

4- Songs like Bon Jovi's, "Its My Life," and the "Macarena" are considered oldies. (Another thing I picked up from the kids at school.)

5- I could care less about rims, TVs/DVDs in the back of your car, or how much you spent on those pants. I'd rather throw my "G's" towards something worthwhile, like a new home, or on my family and friends. It takes a lot more to impress me now.

6- I realize that my parents actually do, "know what's best". They are always right and always have been. Also, I find myself enjoying the company of people older than the age of 50. Actually, I might prefer it. They are so full of wisdom and have so many great stories to share. I always come away feeling satisfied.

7- Weekends are still for relaxation, but also for being productive. I really do not want to be up at all hours of the night, unless it is in the company of the people I care most about. "Going out" has become much less appealing because I've got stuff to do.

8- I'm going blind. I wear sunglasses for at least 2 minutes after I've walked inside a building.  I only take them off when I'm in complete protection of the sun hitting my eyes. My eyes have become so bad and sensitive that I've turned into one of those people that you want to say, "Hey, where's the sun?" to and smack them upside the head for looking so ridiculous. 

9- Fear of the sun, in general. I have spent more money on anti-aging creams, lotions and treatments than I ever spent actually tanning to get all this "irreversible damage" I've been told I have. And yes, I have looked up the price of Botox...on more than one occasion. 

10- Up to a certain point, when you tell people how old you are, they will respond with a, "Oh, you are still so young." Now, when I tell people how old I am they say, "" or "Well, at least you don't look it....".

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Last Lecture

If you haven't seen this, I highly suggest that you take the time to watch the whole thing. Very powerful. Very moving. Very true.

Random thoughts/Blogging world, I've missed you.

I lost my car today. Yes, yes...everyone forgets where they park their car every so often. Today though, for me, this was a very bad sign. As I began scouring the grocery store parking lot, I realized that I never actually remembered parking my car. In fact, I couldn't remember the last 30 minutes of my life. What I thought about, who I saw...was all a blur. Had I been walking around in a daze for the last half hour? This of course, got me thinking (I know, big surprise) so bear with me as I as use this post as a life update/personal journal entry. 

This last year has been one that I will look back on as one of my most influential. After overcoming a bout of depression and being thrown full force into a life unrecognized due to some unforeseen circumstances, I feel like I know more about myself now than ever. I have, for lack of a better word, "re-learned" who I am, what makes me tick, my likes and dislikes, my hobbies, what I willing to give in relationship, and more importantly, what I want out of one (besides someone to hold my hand and slow me down). I have learned that I like doing things for myself, but love the fact that I have so many great people in my life that want to help me do them. I have gained confidence in knowing that I can get through anything and can take care of myself if I need to - independence, wow - its empowering. As much as I appreciate where I am now, this has not come without some new added pressure. Pressure and expectations I have put on myself. The last couple of weeks, I have shared with those around me a sense of urgency and stress that I am placing on my future. I have thought so much about what I "should be doing" that I am forgetting one of the biggest lessons I have learned so far. That being, to live in the moment and take (and appreciate) each day as it comes. I keep waiting for myself to "get somewhere"...that I am forgetting what is important to me. I want so much out of life. So much that it is bogging down my mind and I'm forgetting to breathe. While I think goals are a great and necessary thing, I also think my lack of prioritizing these goals is causing some crazy stress in my life right now. Unnecessary, but true. 

I am lucky to be surrounded with so many people that provide so much insight into my life. My younger sister, Amy, who is infinitely wise beyond her years helped me gain some perspective into what I might be missing tonight. She pointed out that I may be putting all my focus into things of the moment, things, "of the world" and not concentrating on what may really make me happy in the long run. Most specifically, family - present, and future. My closest friends Darren and Lacey pointed out that maybe there was too much "I " in my life right now. To get me out of a mini-breakdown that I had this past weekend, they suggested that I do something for others because true happiness, as they quoted to me, "comes from serving others". I think a lot is to be said for those two little and service/charity. So, for the next little while, I'm going to think about worrying a little less, and try to put my trust in that by living each day to the best of my ability, things will fall into place. Key word being...try.

I hope you all watched "The Last Lecture" post that came before this one. I guess the moral of this post (since the solution is blurry) can really be summarized by my favorite quote in that lecture..."If you lead your life the right way, the Karma will take care of itself, the dreams will come to you....". More or less this was an excuse to write down my thoughts...hoping to get some comments, words of advice, life insight and so forth.

"Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you." - John De Paola

Thursday, March 6, 2008

A little mid-week inspiration...

To make up for my sick and cynical attitude the last couple of days, I felt that I should write something a little more uplifting. And actually, this isn't written by me at all, but I thought it was kind of cute. A student of mine gave it to me (wonder if she was trying to say something???). Either way, it helped whip me back into shape, so here it is:

"Day by day to a happy and healthy life" -Daily practices for good-hearted living by Steve Wilson, President of the World Laughter Tour, 2002. 
  • Mondays- Mondays are for compliments. This overcomes our tendency to criticize and be judgmental of others, which robs us of laughter. Look for the good in others, tell them about it, and you might just end up laughing together. 
  • Tuesdays- Flexibility. There is no laughter in being stubborn. We all get set in our ways and yet it is a good thing to be open to new ideas. It can be more fun than being in a rut. An open mind lets the laughter in. 
  • Wednesdays- Gratitude. A good way to feel miserable is to always think you need something more to make you happy. An attitude of gratitude brings serenity and laughter.
  • Thursdays- Kindness. Think of ways to help make the other person's life a little easier. Simple kindness may be the most vital key to the riddle of how human beings can live with each other in peace, and care properly for this planet we share. 
  • Fridays- Forgiveness for letting go of anger. Find a way to see those who have hurt you in the new light of compassion. Releasing anger makes you healthier and opens up room in your heart for more laughter.
  • Weekends- Chocolate. Remember to eat some chocolate or any other favorite food. Remember to take time for leisure, pleasure and relaxation. Weekend thought: "A bad day fishing beats a good day working."
This made me feel all warm inside and I hope to apply it to my life on a more consistent basis. Luckily, I take the "Weekend" advice and apply it to my life daily to make up for what I lack during the week.  

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sick. Cynical. Blah.

I have been down and out for the last couple of days with a wench of a cold. I'm in an extremely bad mood about it because it has made me so lazy/bored, therefore I'm going to make the rest of you suffer by reading my random "my fever has made me a little delusional" thoughts. 

1- Nighttime television. I rarely watch it, unless it is something completely pointless that will rot my mind, but at the same time makes me feel a little bit better about my life (i.e., Bad Girls Club, Real Housewives of Orange County, The Hills, etc. etc), but since I have been sick I have caught American Idol both nights. I'm a fan of Carly Smithson, and usually a fan of the girls in general. If a guy wins American Idol, he is someone like Clay Aiken. If you are a guy, you should be in a band or something to avoid looking gay. Sorry. 

2- Daytime television. I'm trying to think of a bigger way to waste my time. Can't think of one. 

3- I am so tired. I have slept a little bit every hour, almost every hour that I have been sick the last couple of days (excluding today, as I dragged myself to work only to infect everyone around me). I did not know that I was physically capable of so much sleep. As a self-diagnosed insomniac, my body does not know how to react to all this extra sleep I'm getting and is now refusing to function at all. I've made a permanent indent in the couch and I've never felt so lazy.

4- Everyone I know has a baby. Almost. Since I have had so much time on my hands, I have gotten obnoxious with the amount of time I am spending blog-surfing. What I have come to find out is that almost everyone I tracked down/stalked either has a kid(s) or has one on the way. I have never seen so many 'baby-trackers' on blogs in my life. Even girls I went to school that are younger than me are working on their second baby. Kind of made me feel old. And childless.

5- I miss my mom. It is really hard to feel independent when I just want my mom to come take care of me. I wonder if I will ever grow out of that?

6- Over analyzation. If you give me enough time to think, I will take every aspect of my life, dissect it, and then try to figure out how and if I should change it. This is something Ashley knows as one of my "crazy traits" and I'm lucky to have her around as my personal therapist or I would be living as a bum in Canada.

That's all I have for today.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Littlest love

Not having any children of my own, I do not get the same kind of bragging rights as most of my friends do on their blogs. But, I saw these pictures on my sister-in-law's blog and couldn't help it. So, here they are. I think she gets that attitude and eye for style from me. It made my heart hurt because I miss her so much.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday Afternoon Tribute

Scottsdale is really growing on me this winter. For all the complaining I did from July-December, Arizona is really making it up to me by producing some pretty beautiful days this month. Ashley and I are lucky enough to live within walking distance of a great running/biking trail that wraps around a golf course, two lakes and a huge park, so I decided to take a run this afternoon (witnesses might say it was more of a light jog/pet a dog/walk/pet another dog, etc etc...but whatever, I was exercising). As I made my way around the trail, I couldn't help but notice all the dad's out with their children today. Everywhere I looked I saw them. There was a dad helping his little toddler feed the ducks and kept holding him back as he tried to jump in the lake after them. There was another dad shooting baskets with his son, cheering him on at every shot; and another playing soccer with his daughter. They were everywhere. I was even asked to take a picture of a happy family for their dad's 45th birthday party/picnic. This continued most of the way along the trail. I think there is nothing more precious than seeing a father playing with his kids, and they were all on their game today. As I neared the end of my "run" I witnessed a particularly sweet moment where a father began jumping up and down as he watched his son whack a golf ball straight towards the hole. At this exact moment through my earphones, Chicago's, "You're the Inspiration" began playing. (This has become a continuous problem when I shuffle my songs while exercising since I have just as much sappy/church/Christmas stuff as I do other music.) Cheesy - I know, but true. Nevertheless, while it didn't help fuel my workout, it was completely appropriate in the moment and I couldn't help but get choked up as my thoughts turned to my own dad who I knew at that time was spending his afternoon cleaning up the yard and working around the house while nursing a cold. This is a perfect example of what a selfless, loving and amazing father I have. I feel so lucky to have him, and even a state away I'm reminded of and thankful for him every single day.

"Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad." ~Author Unknown

On a different note, I think I saw my first celebrity sighting today. Elizabeth Hasselbeck from The View was at the park today. It took me a second to recognize her, but I'm almost positive it was her. I think I remember hearing that her husband plays for the Cardinals??? So it fits, right? Lacey....I'm catching up!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Spotlight on: Darren and Lacey Neilson

I have been telling my dear friend Lacey that I was going to write a "spotlight" on her and my favorite friend-husband, Darren as I have become a weekend fixture at their home in L.A over the last couple of months. They are kind enough to house me, feed me, and stay up way past their usual bedtime to entertain me. I've compiled a list of interesting facts about this charming couple that I would like to share with you all:

  • They keep the temperature in their home at below freezing. There has been more than one occasion that I have woken up and could not feel my legs. I have come up with two theories of why they might do this. A. Their have such warm hearts that it heats up their entire body and they don't need any extra, or B. They are sick of seeing me around their house, and are trying to freeze me out.
  • They are Disneyland experts. This is very important to me as my love for all things Disney exceeds that of a 5 year old. They have annual passes and know how to navigate their way around the magical kingdom with such orderly grace and confidence that its almost like watching a work of art being composed. They took Cortney and me around in a such a parental fashion last weekend, that we didn't have to worry about a thing. We hit all the good rides and had the best day ever.
  • I need both of them. I kind of look of them as a team. I need them both for different things, and they both provide me with inspiration, love, comfort, guidance and an open mind (and lets be honest, if you are going to be friends with me, you need that). I look forward to my nightly calls with Lacey, with Darren in the background, half-way in the conversation.
  • They have a dog named Chip, who they treat like a child. Chip, who I have bonded with quite a bit over my most recent visits, has more toys than any child I know. I'm trying to think of any shopping trip I have spent with Lacey where something for Chip is not considered. Can't think of one. I feel sorry for my future children as they will undoubtedly be jealous of this sweet little cocker spaniel. He is spoiled rotten, and they know it.
  • They are friends with celebrities. No, I'm not talking about myself. Dr. Rey, aka Dr. 90210, is in their ward. Last Sunday, we made eye contact and he asked me how I was doing. I'm now claiming that we are friends. I love going to church with Lacey and Darren. 
  • They are hard workers who both know what they want. Darren, a fabulous student in law school, studies harder than any student I know (even when I beg him to stop and hang out with me). He is going to be a great lawyer and provider for his family. Lacey, now an official Los Angeles hair stylist, is always looking for ways she can help out their little family and is always on the move. I appreciate what great examples they are to me!
I'm hoping that you all know a little bit more about the lives of two of my very best friends. Thank you Darren and Lacey, for always taking care of me. I love you guys!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!!

I know a lot of you were probably expecting a bitter and cynical rant about how Valentines Day is the worst day of the year from me today. Maybe a little snipet about how St. Valentine worked for Hallmark, and how I will be spending most of the day stuffing myself with overpriced chocolates and listening to the song, "Love Stinks" over and over. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but its not going to happen. Truth is, I LOVE love. I love everything about love. I love loving people, and I love getting it in return. And, as it turns out, this has been the best Valentines I have had in years and years. So, in dedication to the holiday, I'm going to give you some of my favorite quotes about love, and I hope all of you are getting plenty of it today. I L-O-V-E you all!

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
~Franklin P. Jones

"Love is a friendship set to music."
~ E. Joseph Cossman

"Love is a many splendid thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love!"
~ from the movie Moulin Rouge

"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"To love another person is to see the face of God."
~ Les Miserables

"Laura, I love your love."
~ Ashley Engar

"Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting."
~ Mother Theresa

Happy V-Day!

Saturday, February 9, 2008


TAGGED!!! My sweet friend Erin tagged us for the "all about my spouse" post. It seems appropriate, so here it goes (I've inserted my own version on some of the questions):

About my man (uh, friend)........
What is his (her) name? Ashley "Boo" Engar
How long have you been married? We dated on and off for about 5 years, but have been really serious for 1 year this month.
How long did you date (known each other)? I remember the first time I saw her on the soccer field. It was like all the other players disappeared the moment we locked eyes.
How old is he (she)? 24
Who eats more sweets? We both have a problem with them.
Who said I love you first? Probably me...I have so much love to give.
Who is taller? Ashley
Who can sing better? Ashley, though it doesn't stop me from trying.
Who is smarter? We both think we are geniuses.
Who does laundry? Both, but I've been known to sneak into her room to do some of hers.
Who pays the bills? She reminds me to pay them because I consciously choose to forget about them.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If we are sleeping in the same bed? I do.
Who mows the lawn? If we had a lawn, I'm guessing I would. I love yard work.
Who cooks dinner? We both microwave veggie burgers to perfection.
Who drives? I love to drive, so usually me. Her driving makes me a bit nauseous.
Who is more stubborn? We are both annoyingly laid-back.
Who asked who out first? Me, I'm a little more forward.
Who proposed? I did, when I kind of told her I was moving to a different state with her, and she didn't really have a choice.
Who has more siblings? Ashley
Who wears the pants? Touchy question...she thinks I'm a pushover, but I disagree.
I tag Ashley Lee, Amanda Campbell, and Lindsey Dumas!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Spotlight on: Anna Vincent Campbell

This sweet little gem in the back of my dad in this picture is my sister Anna. We were on a fishing trip in Maui last year and she hated life. And I was taking the picture, so she hated me even more. Many might think that I am rude for picking this picture, but she actually picked it for me to put on my blog. This is just a glimpse into her personality. You will never find a funnier, wittier or more sarcastic person. I don't even know where she comes up with some of the stuff she does. If you don't believe me, check out Anna and Amy's blog: It deserves a shout-out because she is hilarious. As she turned 17 on Monday, I couldn't help but noticing that she keeps getting cooler as the years go by (if that's possible). As far as sisters go, she is the best. I have always been close to Anna, but it has been so much fun to watch her get older. If anyone asks, I will always admit that it seems like I am the younger sister. She has been such a support for me to lean on, the best listener and an unbelievable friend. She calms me down, listens to my crazy stories (and life), gives great advice and is an even better example. I feel really sorry for people that don't have her as a sister. She definitely got most of the best Campbell traits; beautiful dark eyes and hair, full lips, impeccable style, and the heighth. Oh, how I would kill for an inch of two of what she got. Anyway... I once heard the quote, "We were born sisters, and grew up to be friends." This thought comes to me often when thinking of my sweet sister, because she is the best of both. A great sister and my best friend. Happy Birthday Anna...I love you!

"When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?" ~Pam Brown

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How to Flirt

It was inevitable. For those that were worried, I have started to like men again. It is not coming easily though. In high school, if you could have graduated with honors in flirting, I probably would have been at the top of my class. It was obnoxious, but that is how it was. Ashley and I have been discussing how easy it was when we were younger, even up to a couple of years ago, when we actually knew what we were doing. Somewhere between that time and now, we have lost the ability to show interest in the guys we actually like or show any sort of smoothness around the opposite sex at all. And I'm serious, it's pretty bad. I remember this boy in elementary school who used to kick the girls that he liked. We may have to resort to physical abuse. At least they would know that we were paying attention to them. Of course I'm exaggerating, but it has become significantly harder to remain cool and calm when around a crush. Ashley and I both have noticed that we freeze up around guys we like. Neither one of us could be confused for shy in most situations - we are both somewhat loud and unafraid to speak what is on our minds. At least that is what we thought. I recall a moment a couple of weeks ago in church when Ashley was stressing over possible conversation topics to a cute guy in our ward sitting next to her. Eventually, she turned to him, pointing to the large book in his lap and said, "Wow, those are pretty big scriptures." She then continued to pick up the book on my lap, and point out that they were a new set I got for Christmas. Obviously, stimulating conversation. Still, she is a lot smoother than me. I lose the ability to speak altogether, which probably looks like I'm bored out of my mind. What is really going on - is that I'm spending countless minutes trying to come up with smooth, witty things to say - all which come out really stupid, or somewhat inappropriate. It is probably best if I sit there and say nothing. We actually googled flirting today - just to see if there was a step-by-step way of doing it - just to help us out a little. This is what was found, according to wikiHow:

How to Flirt with a Guy:
1- Be conscious of your appearance.
Possibly the most important rule to remember when flirting with any guy! Not every guy wants a plastic doll. It means that you should be elegant and clean looking. You don’t need to be drop dead gorgeous. Don’t go overboard or you’ll look like you tried way too hard. Also, don’t wear clothes that reveal too much or you’ll look like a slut, most guys like breasts but that will attract other male attention.
2- Achieve the Perfect Personality.
Whenever you talk to your special guy think of the three S’s: Sweetness, Sexiness and Smarts. Sweetness comes with vulnerability, shyness and kindness. These three factors are especially important because they are what make your hottie feel especially masculine. To act vulnerable and shy try tucking your hair behind your ears, smiling charmingly and batting your eyelashes, but make sure that you practice so it doesn't look like there is something in your eye. When ever you see him in the hall ways, be sure to give him a half smile and a real flirty look. Or you could pull your (long) sleeves over your hands and hold on with your thumbs. Then straighten your arms out (downward) and maybe bite your lower lip and raise your eyebrows.
3- Act Right
There are multiple ways to act flirty, here are some of the best suggestions:
Compliments-Be sure to compliment them on things that are true. Sometimes people will make up compliments just to talk to someone, but that is the total wrong thing to do. You really should compliment on things you really like, so you sound more sincere naturally.

Intense Eye-The intense eye is a trick that models spend years perfecting. You must give your hottie an intense stare that is both sexy and mysterious at the same time. You should try practicing the look in the mirror, and if completed correctly you should feel as sexy as a celeb.

Eyelash Batting- This trick is one of the oldest tricks known to man. It gives you a sweet and vulnerable factor, which guys love because it make themselves feel powerful. Remember to practice this if you intend to use this technique.

Hair Flip and Twirl- If you want to catch a guys attention, flip your hair casually over your shoulder, twist it and then untwist it, tuck it behind your ears, or run your hands through it.

Soft Giggle and Smile-According to polls, a laugh and a smile are the sexiest things a female can wear. If you perfect your smile and laugh to be seductive and sweet, you will find some great results. Practice forcing a natural smile and laugh, it can help through awkward situations.

Magic Touch- You can learn to brush a guy in such a way that you send tingles up and down his spine. Casually tap him while laughing, rest your head on his shoulder if you’re tired and hold his hand when you're nervous; it will give him a sense of manliness and you a touch sweetie-pie, no pun intended.

I know you are all as impressed by this material as I was. The rest of this week will be dedicated to researching ways to achieve the perfect personality, the practice of batting our eyelashes without looking like there is something stuck in our eye, and ways of flipping our hair while giggling softly and looking mysteriously vulnerable. There may be hope for us yet.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Another year down for Shanna-banana...

I'm obviously a little behind on blogging, but trying to catch up on my birthday shout-outs. Our blog wouldn't be complete without letting the world (and by world, I mean the 5 friends of mine who read this) know that our Shanna has hit the big 2-5. I think Shanna has been a great example to all of us, and has shown us what true strength, faith and a good attitude look like. As we have gotten older, I have learned to appreciate her constant cheerful disposition, kind heart and willingness to listen and be there whenever you need her. In true "Laura's a geek" format, I've decided to do another name poem, because it is not hard to find something good that relates to Shanna for every letter in the alphabet.

Style. You all know what I'm talking about. There is no competition.
Hilarious. She has an amazing sense of humor, and I never need to censor myself in front of her...which I love.
Admiration. I think we all admire Shanna for all she has Accomplished (hey, another 'A') in life.
Naughty. Because she is a little bit. We all know it, love it and cherish it.
Nate. She truly found her perfect match. We love them togther. (Also: Neat. Nice. Natural. Nifty.)
America's Next Top Model...because this leggy love of ours is hotter than any girl that has ever won.

Heart. She has a big one and is very thoughtful.
Unique. In a good way.
Roommate. We had some great and memorable times together.
Sensitive. She definitely has a sweet soft side.
Tall. I'm jealous.

Happy Birthday Shanna....we are in love with you!!

Happy Birthday LACEY!!

Happy 25th Birthday to our sweet Lacey Latimer Neilson! She knows she is a favorite of mine, and rightfully so. Even though I have only been friends with her a short 10 years, I have experienced SO much with her. We have been through a lot of ups and downs, but through it all she has remained a constant and loving friend in my life. She is beautiful, talented and is the best back-tickler ever.

10 Reasons why I/we love Lacey:
1- She is beautiful inside and out. Before Darren wisely snatched her up, all the boys were after her.
2- She has always known exactly what she wanted (which makes me jealous) and she does what she needs to do to get it.
3- She has the best memory of any of our friends. If it wasn't for her, many of us would have forgotten some of the best and funniest memories/songs/ex-boyfriends/kisses/trips/etc.
4-She is extremely thoughtful and always gets the best gifts - they are funny, perfect and always my favorite.
5- She stands up for herself and what she believes in.
6- She married the best guy, and they take care of each other. She will be an amazing mother!
7- She is the least judgemental person in the world. She always keeps an open mind. I could tell her anything - and I do.
8- She is always positive and sees the best in people. This is probably my favorite thing about Lacey, because even in my lowest of lows, she saw the light at the end of the tunnel and my potential - helping me see it all too.
9- Now that she lives in L.A. not only is she right in the thick of it sometimes, but she knows all the celebrity gossip...which for me, is awesome.
10- When you become best friends with Lacey, you stay that way. She knows what it takes to be a good friend and I know we will be close for the rest of our lives.

Happy Birthday Lacey-love! Thank you for being such a great friend, person and example. We love you and know this next year is going to be a great one for you!

**I choose pictures according to the quality of the shot of the subject...which conveniently, does not include me in it.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Celebrating the Sistahs...

I have been struggling with the thought of getting older the last couple of weeks. I know it sounds stupid, as I am only coming up on my 25th birthday (and I am bound to be made fun of after this post) but I just don't feel very young anymore. It is not only the fact that I feel like I have aged 10 years in 1. It could be that one of my students told me that while I was very short, my "face was too old to be a high school student"...or, it could be that on Friday night one of my friends told me that while all the other girls we were with were wrinkle-free, I, however, was not, and that it was never too early to consider Botox. He meant it in the nicest way possible. Either way, my latest obsession has been the secret to staying young...forever.

This all being said, I didn't think it was the best idea to agree to be Ashley's date to chaperon her school's Winter Formal, but I still did it knowing that I would at least get some good blogging material out of it. We managed to make it through most of the dance unnoticed and hung to the side with the rest of the teachers/old people. I still felt pretty old at first when the "oldies" of the night were songs like, "Macarena" and "Ice Ice Baby," but by the end of the night I was feeling OK again, and was glad that I went. As fun as my youth and high school days were, I don't think I would ever want to go back. First, because all the kids looked pretty awkward on the dance floor (nothing like Ash and I would have looked like now) and second, I think that we are only getting better and more beautiful with age and experience. At least that is what I'm telling myself now, so don't ruin it for me.

After the dance was over, and being pretty anxious to go dancing since we had been holding ourselves back for the last 3 hours, we decided to meet up with some of our friends in Phoenix at a Jazz club called the Rhythm Room. It was the first time we had gone, and we didn't know what to expect, so we were a little surprised to find out 2 minutes after walking through the door that it was "Dyke Night" at the club (I don't believe in using that word, it's what they actually called it). The 5 woman band playing called themselves "Sistah Blue" and they were true soul sisters. The vibe of the club was awesome, the music was great and it had everyone on the dance floor. We immediately joined in with the crowd, which was a bit older than we were expecting. I tried more than once to join the women on the floor, but they weren't having it. I think they sensed I was not of their sexual orientation (or wasn't their type) because every time I got close trying to mimic some of their moves, they quickly moved away in the other direction. I was feeling pretty rejected until the bump and grind of a small older woman making it down my backside caused me to almost halt mid-dance move - and now has me contemplating if I should be scheduling an appointment to see my Bishop. "Check out this young thing!" I heard her yell from behind me. I decided to just go with it since if I just walked away, it would probably look/seem rude. I am really only comfortable dancing with girls anyway, so would this really be that different? It was. It become apparent a couple seconds into the song that this was not her first time at the Rhythm Room. She threw in a couple "Whoo Hoo's!" and "You go girl's!" as she pulled out her sweetest dance moves and made her way around my stiff/anxious/swaying body. At times I thought I heard a hip pop, but quickly learned that it was the rhythmic and incessant snapping of her fingers and clicking of her cowboy boots that had me confused. With no help from the group I was with (including Ashley), this violation continued throughout most of the song, until I was able to "spin move" my way out of the crowd and back to my friends. They claim I was "asking for it" which is why they only laughed hysterically at my first girl-on-girl dancing experience instead of saving me from it. I probably was, but would you tell your friend that followed a kitten into a dark alley that came back mugged and with only one shoe that they were "asking for it"? I doubt it. Still, despite the distraction, it turned out being a great, diverse, cultured and eye-opening experience for all of us. Needless to say, today I have a bit of a spring in my step. Nothing like getting harassed by an older lesbian to make you feel young again.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Adventures in Traveling

I'm a little behind on blogging as I'm back in Arizona and trying to resume my normal activities. I've never handled change very well, so going home really kind of threw me off. I have been wanting to write a bit on traveling/flying though, since it seems like I have been on an airplane more last year than I have in my entire life.

I feel lucky to be able to go visit my family so easily, but one thing is for sure - I am a horrible traveler. I love to go home and to different places, but the process of getting there is my own personal hell. I can always count on a number of things happening on what I like to call my "traveling day". First, I know that no matter what time my flight is, my entire day is taken up by packing, getting to the airport and reaching my destination. Packing, if you ask anyone close to me, has never been one of my talents. I am the worst. No matter where I am going and how long I will be there, my bags are always overstuffed and make no sense whatsoever. Do I need 4 tank tops to my week long trip to Utah in December? Probably not, but I don't seem to care. The anxiety that packing causes me (because I wait until the last minute) is enough to make me crazy. And it does. Second, I can always be counted on to shed quite a few tears as I say goodbye to my family, specifically my parents, as they drop me off at the security checkpoint. Speaking of security - I always get overly anxious to get through that line and always breathe a sigh of relief once I do. After witnessing a slight disagreement between Carlee and airport security a couple of years ago, I always get nervous that I'm going to get stopped, and accused of something horrible, that will in turn - make me miss my flight (which I have also done on more than one occasion). Because of this, I'm always close to stripping down to my skivvies and putting everything I own into a small plastic bag to send through the line. Once I'm actually on the airplane, and since I'm usually by myself, I will inevitably be sat next to an adorable older woman who loves to talk, or an unusually oversized man - who also, loves to talk. As we take off and the turbulence sets in....speaking of, I say we ban those small SkyWest planes altogether (sorry Ashley Lee). I would think they would be safer than the big ones. I don't know why...weighing less = less likely to fall...?? But they are not. If a bird brushes up the side of it, it is thrown into a tailspin and it takes about 5 minutes for the pilot to level out again. Anyway...the flight gets underway, and by the stirring in the seats and people looking over their shoulders, I can tell the beverage service has began. It seems like hardly anyone can relax until they get their drink and ridiculously small bag of peanuts (which I still claim to be the best peanuts...ever) . I take this moment of excitement to stick in my IPod and open a book, as it is the only point in my flight where my talkative friend next to me is focused on something else. On this last flight back, I opened up the SkyMall magazine, and I must say...the people who come up with that stuff are geniuses. Talk about great gift ideas. I want to open up a SkyMall store. Back to the flight though...the good thing about flying is the deep thought that comes from being stuck between two strangers with nothing else to really look at other than the back of an airplane seat. I thought a lot about the past year, and made some great plans for 2008. Sometimes I can get really relaxed, listening to music, to where I am really bummed when they ask me to "turn off all my electronic devices" as we get close to landing. Being the rebel that I am, I always try to keep it on as long as possible, hiding it under my shirt or jacket. The woman that sat next to me this last trip was nice enough to let me know 5 minutes before they even announced it, and then a couple minutes after (seeing me trying to slip it away unnoticed) that I was interfering with signals/causing the plane to crash. I sound bitter, but I know she was right. As we landed, it finally sunk in that the holidays were over, and that real life had to begin again. Sitting at the baggage claim is always entertaining. It seems like I am always surrounded by couples. Not just normal couples though - couples in love. I'm lucky with my bags though - they, and I always get out pretty fast. As I'm walking outside, getting a little down by all the displays of public affection going on around me, a familiar black car pulls up to the curb, and I'm greeted by Ashley's happy (but slightly annoyed for having to usher through the traffic) face...and everything is OK again.

On a different note, once I came home, I learned that our South African handy man has returned. We should have some interesting stories in the near future.