Friday, September 19, 2008

Laura and Ashley Blog - RETIRING

Hello fellow bloggers, as you probably know, Ashley and I have decided to "retire" this blog, archive it (for memories) and move on to separate, but equally entertaining blogs. Keep this on your blog roll, for just like our love for each other, it will never go away. When you "google," Laura and Ashley - this will still be the first website that pops up - and we want to keep it that way. 

new blogs:

Ashley -
Laura -
Laura's food blog -

Thanks for reading.

Ashley's one and only contribution to the blog...

So I broke down and started my own blog. If ya'll are interested, feel free to check out my blog @

Love you all.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

The start of a new blog....

I've started another blog, and its all about food. I've wanted to put a "recipe blog" up for a while now, and so now my obsession with cooking and all things food-related is being put out into the world. Check it out, comment, post some recipes of your own, etc. etc.....

The name was Cort's idea - so you can thank him for its awesome-ness. Also, I kind of dedicate the blog to him because he eats all my experiments with a smile on his face whether they are horrible or not.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I miss Ashley.

And that's all I have to say about that.