Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hard of hearing

This is a conversation I had with my hair stylist today:

Laura: Hi Maren, no cut today, just color. I'm trying to grow my hair out. Maybe just a trim to re-shape it.

What she heard: Hi Maren, I'm thinking of trying something new. Instead of growing my hair out, cut it shorter than we ever have before. I'm talking really short. Almost to the point of people wondering whether or not I'm a recovering cancer patient. Seriously, long hair is so overrated. The ability to be able to pull it back in a ponytail, run my fingers seductively through it, or look like a female from behind...I'm so over it. Let's chop it off!

I don't know why this always happens to me. And of course, since I can't keep my mouth shut during my appointment long enough to know what is going on, I didn't say a thing. Oh well. It grows back, right? I'm not going to complain...I'm going to Hawaii until after Memorial Day, and hopefully will have some hair on my head by the time I get back. Hope everyone is doing well.


The Dumas Family said...

You always look adorable...I hate to see you leave but I love to watch you walk away, no what I mean?!? I'm so jealous of your Hawaii trip. I hope you have a blast! Get a nice suntan for me, OK? Talk to you soon.

Erin Bradley said...

I LOVE YOU!! If I give you my password will you do my blogging for me?

Erin Bradley said...

Oh and by the way I loved your haircut!!! Super Sexy actually.

Julie said...

Laura, that is so funny! You have to post pictures of your new do. I bet you look so dang cute with short hair.

Schiffgen said...

I hear boy hair is in, in Utah maybe you should come up and say hi! When are you girl coming up this way?

Ashley and Ezra said...

Laura, you couldnt look ugly even if she had heard..."Im joining the Army, so shave it off!!!" Ive thought of saying that...without the Army part of course! Post pics of the Hawaii Trip Please! And I was thinking that we need to see the Sex and the City movie together...I did borrow your dvds and watch the whole series in a matter of days! So you and Engar can come to Utah, or I will come to Phoenix for a weekend and we can play! (Everyone is lets do it!)Miss ya!

Anika said...

Hahaha! You need to post a picture... but you could seriously shave your head and still be gorgeous!

Nate, Jenny and Amelia said...

Laura you are one of the best writers I have ever met. That is so funny! I do the same thing at a haricut. I don't ever open my mouth until it's too late! I can't wait to see pics because I'm sure you look amazing!

Sarah Bates said...

You crack me up! What are you up to...I miss you!